B Augmented Guitar Chord: How to Play & Use Unique Sound

The B Augmented chord, also known as the B augmented chord, adds a unique flavor to your guitar playing. It is typically represented as B+

What is a B Augmented Guitar Chord?

The B augmented guitar chord is an intriguing and unique chord that can add a rich texture to your music. It consists of the root note, B, along with the major third, D#, and the augmented fifth, F## (which is enharmonically G). This chord creates a tense and unresolved sound, often used in transitions or to lead into another chord.

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How to Play the Guitar Chord

Playing the B aug guitar chord requires precise finger placement. To form this chord, place your index finger across the second fret of the A (fifth) string and the D (fourth) string, while your middle finger presses down the third fret of the G (third) string. Finally, your ring finger should press the fourth fret of the B (second) string. Strum from the A string downward to produce a clean sound.

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Where to Use the B Augmented Guitar Chord

The versatility of the B aug guitar chord makes it a wonderful addition to various musical styles. You can use it in jazz, blues, or even in pop compositions. Its unique sound can create tension before resolving to a more stable chord, making it an effective tool for songwriters and composers alike. Exploring this chord opens up new harmonic possibilities in your playing!

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